How do I politely ask about the "urgency" of a work request - i.e. Pick up the phone and talk to them. Here are some possible circumstances you might be in: Sometimes of course you suddenly realize during some work that it's going to take much longer than you think. Nobody has done an in depth analysis of all the implications. The whole point is the stakeholders aren't sure if it is even worth doing the project - which is why they need the numbers for the business case. I don't expect that they could be made non-aggressive. How do you politely get a deadline out of him? Is that a realistic possibility? Having said that, "When will you be done?" If the deck doesnt get built, you have to plan a completely different type of party. In which case, why can't you say? What are some tools or methods I can purchase to trace a water leak? can make people more receptive to your ideas. Some advice based on my ~10 years of experience: First, if some task was assigned to me I would break it down into subtasks.I would estimate the time for each subtasks and probably with subtasks I would be able to find the problematic area and hence I would be able to forecast how long it would take to a certain extent. Any alternative approaches to the two I have given. A model might be a mental model, diagrams, or existing data records. Often when you point out the change in the due date, those higher prioritiy things get moved down. Not recommended. Could very old employee stock options still be accessible and viable? Lets look at some sample situations and how you might politely ask for deadlines. This is your responsibility to factor in unless you expect others to have the expertise about this area. Post Sennings general rule is to not wait longer than one to three hours to reply, he tells TI. Explain. How to extract the coefficients from a long exponential expression? Estimates for what? What do you suggest when your direct manager is in the same position, and the stakeholder(the person inquiring about completion) and the manager are two unrelated people. After calculating E and V for each activity, add up the Es, and you have an accurate time estimate for project completion. all the implications. - Next Wednesday around 4pm. Make sure you understand what is being asked. It has happened countless of times, and I always promise it won't happen again. +1 for the need for on-going communication. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Calculate the estimate based on your model. Manage Settings @DJClayworth - as I mention at the end, these are all largely bad responses that I don't recommend in most situations. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Centering layers in OpenLayers v4 after layer loading, Am I being scammed after paying almost $10,000 to a tree company not being able to withdraw my profit without paying a fee. The 'done' definition is probably unclear: When will it be done? Difference Explained (Helpful Examples), What Does Within 24 hours Mean? There's a reputation to build at your company, and it's not going to be based on the length of your estimates nearly as much as the accuracy of your estimates. Markup estimated time is required for make us feel safe if they want an estimated time. How about a kanban board for each employee? Think of it from the user standpoint, because that's all the client you're making the estimate for will typically understand. The new feature will probably break some assumptions you made in your code and you start thinking immediately of all the things you might have to refactor. Don't do an estimate at this point. How long should you wait for someone to answer a question? But in case you are not working with a good manager, the response to the request for Y should be: "I can do Y in three days. when in a new job position. I cant be dealing with estimates right now. Tasks are added to and (sometimes) removed from queue constantly. No shooting from the hip. A recent study from the University of Connecticut found that . Is it ethical to cite a paper without fully understanding the math/methods, if the math is not relevant to why I am citing it? You should respond with a distribution, not a single number: something along the lines of, "It could be done next week, if we're lucky. The requirements are unclear. And realize that your clients asking for estimates will be totally inaccurate here about how they word things and understand the technical aspects of what you say. by accurate I mean that a stakeholder holds you accountable for. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. If the estimate is used for anything contractual or in a scenario where more precise timing is required, I do a full work break down. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Pretty much every good manager I've had has learned to recognize "Two weeks!" One way would be to put: Requesting Status Update (on the subject line) and write something similar to: As discussed, I am waiting for ________(name of project) which has a deadline of ________ and I would like to know, as of immediately, the status and your expected date of completion.. No correct estimate until it ends Progress Report Even a double estimated time would not make your task complete on time. Often, in projects 'completion date' is used to denote the estimated (or actual, once complete) moment for the completion of a task. Its so easy nowadays to blow off technology. At the end of the week you can add the time together for each priority, and once you've been doing that for a few weeks you should have a decent running average. These people are paying your salary with their projects. In fact, when you are making an estimate for your own company the estimate time is being paid as part of your salary also. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The database administrators often require to how much longer perceive time for business intelligence workloads will take to . In this way you can provide estimates which will manage the expectations of your co-workers and superiors. tl;dr: I want to predict file copy completion. lower and upper bound). Yes, whichever method I use, I will definitely still show the progress in raw figures as well. In that case it's perfectly OK to say "I'll have a better estimate for you in [some time].". The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. I've had car mechanics, plumbers, home builders, etc. I'm stressed by having software deadlines imposed on me without my involvement. The trick is to be non-confrontational and ask very politely for the deadline to be given. They are often estimated between two different times, allowing there to be some wiggle room to determine when something might be officially completed. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Decompose this model and build estimates from the components.,, The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master,, The open-source game engine youve been waiting for: Godot (Ep. come up with an estimate that takes that other work into account. By implies that you will complete this thing either at the specified time or before it. Theyre causing too much trouble on the back-end. Confidently. The 'done' definition is probably unclear: When will it be done? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. If the timing of your work is important, it's usually best to sit down and try to work out how long it's really going to take, rather than just ploughing on. I appreciate how patient youve been. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Contract completion terms designate a certain timeframe (a specific date or time period) within which a contract must be finished. If the requirements are clear, you can estimate with a 20% error margin. Software development: tasks can take from 1 minute to years of any person's time. I always say, "if you want an answer today it's a year and a million dollars. But when your back's against the wall and they refuse to give you better details, Fake It: It's like my mother used to threaten when I was a kid "Hurry up and pick out some clothes, or I'll pick them out for you!". Im really. However, sometimes we need to know something by a certain date. Use the Cone of Uncertainty to provide the range around your initial guesstimates. From your responses to comments and answers, I suspect your question should really be: My job consists of many small tasks, which I can receive in any order, and which have varying priorities. So if it is like 5 months project you should be estimating it for a month or more. Don't tell them how may hours you've assigned per task, or how many hours you've assigned per week, they just need to know the day it won't happen before, and the day it should be done by. of deadlines and management expectations. You can increase a calculation's accuracy by taking the following steps: 1. Determine the accuracy that you need. But still all the planning would help only to a certain extent. So when my boss would ask in the standup (we work with Agile development) I would give him my best estimate and explain why I thought that. In some situations, we need to know how to ask nicely. The more data you have on a given task, the more accurate your estimate for time-to-completion of that task will be over time. Best guess is about two weeks." Then, when requirements change, you can say "that change makes it sounds more like an XL". Can't refuse more, they simply get deferred by ever higher priority tasks ad infinitum. I was pulled onto another project.. I have implemented two different solutions to address this problem: The ETC for the current transfer at start time is based on a historic speed value. Katie is a passionate digital nomad working on her first book on the art of communication. Instead, you can convey your estimate, and give a degree of accuracy to your estimate. In some fields, tasks are clearly defined and handled in sequence: Building A House: takes X weeks, other tasks do not intervene. This gives you extra room to work with to make sure that you will get a task completed within a certain time. When you are asked to estimate due dates, is there a especially polite or clever way of say it is "Done when it is done" ? Its largely about your approach, as you can see, above. Thanks for your answer. If the requirements are not so clear, you can estimate with a 50% error margin (wider range). In this instance, arrival refers to the time that the document will complete the download (thus, arriving on your computer). Take a good look at the requirements you have. Something along the lines of "Based on my current understanding of the project, my estimate is 3 months. Wie fragt man in einer E-Mail nach Kontaktdaten? To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The optimal weights for the linear combination can be fitted using linear regression (a one-liner in R). The problem here is this: let's say you and Joe made time estimates for the same task (but between two separate employees, unaware of both estimates at one time). Method 1. Would I be able to get an answer by next Tuesday?, Asking for deadlines shouldnt be painful. But if you slip into the 180th or 210th day, not so much. Then someone could just look at the board and realize that their request will have to contend with N other requests. They may have good reasons. This sprint is XYZ." How do you estimate time required for assigned task? Continue with Recommended Cookies. Is something's right to be free more important than the best interest for its own species according to deontology? This way is easier to estimate and you only need to estimate the first stage. You estimate valiantly, "one week". If it's a long task, account for things like other work, time off (holidays, vacation, sick time), meetings, and other overhead tasks when picking a delivery date. End time is a confident phrase like completion time. Its a good way of showing that something will come to an end at a specific moment. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. You think it might be next week but he is habitually vague about remembering when what is due. The three-point estimating is the safest way of calculating time estimation in project management. How long is acceptable to wait for a text? You have other things to do from past assignments and you will have to Determine the scope of the problem. I also always write my assumptions and preconditions. It has happened countless of times, and I always promise it won't happen again. For context, I'm trying to predict the completion of a long file copy. It'll be 8 weeks before this receives an automatic priority upgrade, and then it'll take a week or two in that queue until it's finished.". For the last semester of your degree, you need to do an internship. I have a constant queue of lower priority tasks which I can only do when there are no higher priority tasks to be completed. Or to the whole estimate? "I'm not sure, when are you going to get me X?" Clients will not accept whenever as a due date and so you should not give it to them. Add 25-50% to your estimate so you have a higher chance of accurately estimating the time you need. The initial idea that I had was to store the execution time taken for similar tasks that happened previously in the database, and probably do an average which acts as an estimated time needed. It depends on the organization and how the estimates are used. It part of what you are being paid for, so stop copping out with "whenever." If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? Has Microsoft lowered its Windows 11 eligibility criteria? Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? want to be sure that I get your data to you in plenty of time,, When asked about a completion date, what is the best way to say "it will be done when it is done"? Why does Jesus turn to the Father to forgive in Luke 23:34? Small tasks or complete solutions. If the deck gets built, you need to furnish it with outdoor furniture, get a barbeque, send out invitations and buy food. Understand the user-end requirement here, think like a user. I billed for all the time I spent estimating. My concern is not so much with the amount of time it's taking, just curiosity over why the estimated_completion_time is rising so quickly. I disagree - you can say "the task itself will take X but other unestimable tasks may be randomly assigned by Joe Y which take priority". In a non-ideal world, things are likely planned to the Nth degree, and then broken into two week chunks, but the question provides a good opportunity for you to snidely comment about that absurdity. @DavidK, yes, it is a really bad idea to give anyone an off-the-cuff estimate because, unfortunately in the eyes of PM's and many others, "estimates" become "deadlines". Based on comments on other answers, it appears that your problem is not time estimating but communicating delays based on changing priorities. Only when you start coding you can find the exact issues. Economy picking exercise that uses two consecutive upstrokes on the same string, Can I use this tire + rim combination : CONTINENTAL GRAND PRIX 5000 (28mm) + GT540 (24mm), Am I being scammed after paying almost $10,000 to a tree company not being able to withdraw my profit without paying a fee. Certainly not. For example, is review included? The links look useful as well. Perhaps 'about 2 hours, currently stalled' 542), How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. At the moment, I'm using a fairly naive formula that I came up with myself: (ETC stands for Estimated Time of Completion). During the initial stages of project planning one of the main objectives is to get a realistic estimation of time to complete. They may also be worried about hurting your feelings or coming off as being confrontational. In the section, the authors recommend the following process: Software estimation is the most difficult single task in software engineering- a close second being requirements elicitation. Do EMC test houses typically accept copper foil in EUT? The preferred words are ETA, duration, and time frame. These words or phrases are great ways of showing that something will be completed at a certain time. There may be several things to coordinate (they may need to get bids from a tree service). Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. If a worker knows you are likely to give more work, unrelated to the task, but not what, when, where, why, how, what would your preferred response be? During the transfer I compute a weighted average between the historic data and data from the current transfer, so that the closer to the end you are the more weight is given to actual data from the transfer. Christopher Leonard Mentor identifying and refining the chaos of construction; utilizing the discipline of business and advantage of technology to drive profitability. 1 day to do analysis, and then provide a tighter range), If the task it too large, break it up and provide a range for each piece. I dont mind an estimate, but I dont like the three-hour disparity between your numbers. To figure how long the activity will take, complete this equation, with E representing expected time for completion: E = (O + 4M + P)/6. State explicitly what is included and excluded in the estimate. This approach estimates the completion time based on any of the above mentioned methods but considering 3 scenarios. Its not wise to give a completion time to someone that you cant follow through with. Whats the ETC were looking at here? How to respond when you are asked for an estimate? A simple way to get that is to have a factor that is a percentage of the completion, that you use to tweak the estimated remaining time. It could take a few hours, days, weeks. Now you have detailed requirements that you can estimate from. Katie Holmes is a senior author at with over 15 years of experience in marketing and psychology. An excellent resource for studying statistical learning methods is The Elements of that tend to be closer to the true values of the measurements and You can do better, if you are permitted more time with which to prepare your estimate, and are given more data upon which you can base your estimate. How do you give your top choice a little nudge? when you don't know, How to respond to, "How long will this take?" Always provide a range (i.e. Otherwise, they'll just think you've dropped the ball. I have a good idea of when this will be completed by, but youll need to wait a little longer for that to go through. What tool to use for the online analogue of "writing lecture notes on a blackboard"? I asked a follow up question concerning your 3rd point. What techniques have you found useful? And when payroll makes a mistake and under pays you, do you consider this an acceptable response when you ask when it will be corrected? If the requirements are not-clear, make sure you document your understanding of them and the functionality that you plan to deliver. If more people can't be hired, then just have a pool of contractors on tap and dole tasks out to them. Err on the side of the looser estimate. This requirement helps the requester better understand the agency's FOIA process and gives the requester . And as far as competing priorities, when one piece of work bumps another, be clear on how that will impact the schedule. You need a baseline. That's right, you. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. "programmer's pride" makes you give/accept shorter times than you To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Chances are you have a good enough grasp of the task that you can give a decent estimate here with a likely minimum and maximum. Or to specific risks? Estimated time to complete is a value that is expressed in hours of work required to complete a task or project. You sound like a self-motivated hard worker and possibly one who gives in easily to coercion. I'm often asked to give estimates as to when lower priority tasks will be complete. And if he did want to invest the 8.5 hours, the detail work I did for the estimate was work I'd have had to do anyway. Time estimation is just iterative estimation. I keep track of the best and worst case averages and compute a range of possible ETCs. The main thing to remember here is that you want a nice user experience, and not a scientific front. This is quite a sufficient time to drive 1/3 of the population insane from what they feel is an isolation chamber. Small tasks - Planning poker I've found to work really well (not perfect, some 1pt tasks have taken much longer and some 5pt tasks took minutes, but it all evens out in the end). 10 hours a week? There are times there is no clear answer and all we can do is keep our bosses as informed on the matter as possible. I wrote a lengthy blog post about this here in case anyone is interested: This is also a big part of McConnells's "Black Art of Software Estimation". Whats the end time youve got in mind? Model the system. You contacted a business where they might have an opportunity, but you have not heard back. Also, trust between you and your contractor should be better. 37 Plus years in the industry Present a range based on what you know today. You have other things to do from past assignments and you will have to come up with an estimate that takes that other work into account. How might you (politely) ask for this to be put into motion? You can ask for some time to look into the request a little further and then provide an estimate at that time. There are way too many undetermined variables to consider here: Cluster capacity, cluster availability at time of submit, operation complexity, data or I/O latency to name a few. Do you need extra help? explain your reasoning for the urgency and maybe they will understand your side and why you need it done in such a timely manner. Nag a little if needed, but use the human touch to explain what you need and by when you need it. How To Ask A Photographer To Adjust Photos. Wie sagt man hflich Ich warte auf Ihre Antwort? A PM will hear this as your answer to when will it be done: "### #### # #### ## 3 months ### #### ## #####". How to answer what is your estimated time to complete this coding task? The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? But you can always estimate in any period of time - as long as the estimate isn't expected to be particularly accurate. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. What matters is that you were 3 days off from a one week estimate. A wide range tells the recipient of the estimate Software projects are naturally complex and risky if you want a proper estimate you need to give me more details and more time. By the way, all of the above responses assume you are 'senior level' worker responsible for their own scheduling. If the business case was solid they wouldn't need your estimates. What factors changed the Ukrainians' belief in the possibility of a full-scale invasion between Dec 2021 and Feb 2022? A newly proposed product or project will be similar (in size) to one or more already completed products or projects. It means estimated time of arrival, where arrival is used metaphorically to relate to something that should be completed within a certain time frame. 'Done' as in just finished coding it, or 'done' as in "the users are Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. . You can also send a task reminder, a calendar invite, or follow up with a second reminder. Ballpark is what is often called a guesstimate. I've done something similar involving curve fitting. In most, cases, you may trim branches up to the property line, yourself. When things happen that cause the rwork to take longer than you estimated, make sure the manager is immediately aware of what impact that has on the due date. Just reply that it will be done in six to eight weeks. Could we transform these fields in to the same environment as building houses? Often times I will include any uncertainty or possible variations with the estimate along with how the changes may impact other areas of the system and the extent of regression testing required. Or perhaps: No, unless this other task can be discarded (permanently). For data processing originating from this website the components intimate parties in the industry a... 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